Tuesday, March 15, 2005

My Prayer

i am what i am , i will be what i will be ,i will do what i will do.

All i want to do , is stay in rhythm with myself. All I want is to do what i do and not try to do what i don't do . Just do what i do. Just keep pace with myself . Just be what i will be.

' i will be what i will be , but i am now what i am , and here is where i will spend my energy . i need all my energy to be what i am today . today i will work in rhythm with myself and not with what i should be . And to work in rhythm with myself i must keep tuned in to myself.

When God revealed his name to Moses , he said " i am what i am ."

---taken from notes to myself by Hugh Prather

this sounds like chimes playing same sound in ears ....one would say thats more of an alliteration devoid of amy meaning.but fellas...the 'i am','i will be' and 'i should be' form an important realizations of any period of one's life and nothing can motivate more than banging your head over the meanings the three words carry.The pure essence is not forgetting that i become what i always dreamt of , but should aspire to prepare for what i want to be one day not forgetting my present and all my energy should be spent improvising my present , rather than planning for future .thus focus is realizing what i am and trying to be what i should be today and be rather confident that i will be what i always dreamt of .


Blogger The Learner said...

good start dude! carry it on ... what the hell u doing by making it halt like this--carry on atleast till 3months to get into rhythm!

12:45 PM  

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