Monday, September 19, 2005

swades revisited

i must confess i havent seen swades yet , but the promos and trailors are enough to narrate the idea of the story and the essence of the film. I recently had a first hand swades experience 0- without watching movie. Travelling in general class (of course one who travels by local trains in mumbai may feel no new to this experience) , changing two trains , board a tum-tum ( a new enterant in public carrier from M and M ) , change to auto from one village to reach another and finally hire a taanga( horse ride) to reach my ancestral place .Not to mention the overloading the tum tums and autos.People have no fear for there are no traffic regulations in villages with small number of huts....but more than that it seems overloading is actually a need over there and people are willing to live that way because thats their livelihood.For an IT engineer or for any urban guy this experience can be very taxing , but on the contrary it was what i can truely say most fulfilling journey till date.Floods and other natural calamities seem to be like just another challenge for them . But it is surprising still to see that despite the hardships and challenges the culture and bonding remains unchanged.They still remain down to earth practical farmers even to this date with least of resources.Venture into some villages of states where people speak different language....and u will surely have a swades experience.The feeling does fill one up with the zeal to do something for the people...and that becomes even more important than fulfilling your own wishes.

That what is known as ' common cause'...enabling local infrastructure and a self support system in rural ares to make them self sufficient.