Monday, November 14, 2005


Theres a haunting feeling that comes to me when i hear the word work or labor. I guess it is just an apprehension caused by realization of actual efforts that will be required . And may be my ideally idle behavior and habits make the work look even more monstrous. And yet i believe , labor is never a detterrence for me.I do firmly believe in challenging limits,especially body limits.Am ever ready to take up any task that needs my limits to be pushed.i can sacrifice one of the most orderly basic body needs.........sleep.Let me quote ...sleep is the single most restrictive habit of the body and the most compelling behavior that will put even the most determined people to backfoot if time arrives.

Kahlil Gibran states in the Prophet

But if you in your pain call birth an affliction and the support of the flesh a curse written upon your brow, then I answer that naught but the sweat of your brow shall wash away that which is written.

Which simply coneys the whole message.He clearly advocates that the basic body requirements which otherwise are pain and great sufferings to the path of labor, will easily get erased with work only. Means my need to take up an orderly hours of rest is indeed only an excuse .If I resolve I can push my body to work to any limits.Of course rest is required but it can never be a rope to which my body is tied with.

Doesnt that resemble the theme of The Matrix too. Neo's resolve not only frees him from the illusion but also it helps him achieve the power to make anything happen.Morpheus asks neo to jump past the 100 ft gap between the buildings .Neo an average human just cannot believe he can do that. Morpheus shows him the power of resolve,by jumping past the gap.Neo responds this time, but a little doubt in his mind make him fly past 95 ft(as opposed to 5 ft he would have ordinarily jumped) , but fails the last five feet as he is still isnt 100% confidant.

So we see 5 hrs. of sleep and 4 hrs. of sleep are achievable and still enough for the body.There are numerous famous personalities who are successful becuase they can stretch their mind and body to any limits, and these limits are presuppositions of their mind and resolve.Yes, it does call for some extra doses of mind and body relaxing exercises but they are only required to maintain the energy levels and physical well being.And again who says not to sleep if u have extra time.What said above aims at making body fast adaptable to crisis time levels of sleep.So u's habit of 8-10 hrs. of sleep shouldn't really be a matter of restriction the day need comes.

Can't say whether i would still be challenging my body limits by sleeping 4 hrs a day. But one thing is sure...I would never face shortage of time in matter whatsoever.I know someone might still argue that if we do not sleep at all we would have all time in the world.But frankly ppl those who dont sleep at all should go and visit doctor ....for they suffer with insomnia.