Monday, June 19, 2006

Heaven and Hell

Had read a story narrate by osho in his classique book Tao the three principles which goes as follows :-

A man has a dream.....

He enters a land of most beautiful scenes...mountains...rivers...amicable creatures...huge fruit bearing breezes...just adjusting the warmth of the sun shining bright.He feels deeply satisfied and happy within to be able to roam around in the place he longed all life to be living at. ...time passes by ...he feels hungry...he wishes if it wud be possible to get some food angel appears and directs the man to the table with the most royal luch served already....he has the most exquisite wine to drink....after he is done with food...the angel asks if he needs some entertainment and to grant his wish....more angels appear who play harp and the melodiest tunes that relieve his mind for all.....he feels u must have grasped by now....he gets a royal bed to begins his heavenly jorney of pleasure....this life follows :- evryday all his wishes are granted and he is provided the best of comforts one would possibly desire of.

An empty feeling grows in him....he wants to work....he asks for work....he is given no work....none is asked for of him....on being asked....he hears ....that no work needs to be is the god's voice answering....saying...u dont need to work....he rests...enjoys whatever comes....but the sinking feeling continues to grow within....he asks again....can i please do some work voluntarily....i see there is a scope for some work always.....god there is no scope for work here . Live thy life as u wish to....u need not work to achieve it....the feeling grabs him....and in rage he asks :-

What kind of heaven is this....with all the beauties and all restricts human ability and freedom to work.??

And god replies.....whoever said that it was heaven ?? This thevery place u have been living for all the comforts is in fact.........Hell.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Thoughts on GODFATHER

"My Father is just like any other powerful man "
a dialogue from Godfather said by michael corleoni says it all. Whatever the world conceieves the don as ...he is no more than a family man executing his responsibilities as Godfather and protecting his family.

Some striking features of the story of Godfather which are truely symbolic of any great and powerful man's ascent

1.) The godfather rises to protect his family from the struggle and enemies.

2.) He makes friends and enemies both.

3.) He says he knows how to repay....and he never forgets a favour...expects same from his friends.Wouldnt do a favour for money.

4.) Commands loyalty of his subordinates based on virtue.He is a man of word.His word is his business.

5.) says :- Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.Never let them feel u know their true motives.

6.) he knows that in struggle of rebels and the ruler....the rebels will win because they dont get paid.

7.) there are always some values that one lives for.....for which he will die for

8.) in his family ....strong rulers call the shots , the commanders execute the orders with help of soldiers....the glory of the rule lies in the hierarchy and the respect the ruler must command for which the soldier must be ready to lay his life for.

9.) One can never take steps beyond his power unless he has a backing of a the one who can.

10.) Never spare a traitor.

11.) Though he tries desparately to come clean ....but he realizes at the end that what u try to leave will never leave you.

12.) He loses his most beloved in an attempt to protect their lives.

13.) He says only women and children can afford to loiter.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

I swear...

To Be or Not to Be
is the question
that needs no answer
for i know deep inside that
if question arose some day
thats becoz i always wanted to be one

To Do or not to Do
is the answer
i seek question for
as the "what to do" comes from
what i hide within
my true self and
is a resultant of
my tryst with him

To Live or to Die
needs answer only when
my conflict are with
my belief in myself

To Love or not to love
is my values expressing
desire to appreciate thy
honest struggles won while
saving thy true self

To help or not to help?
is question i will ask myself
only when i stand without help
to give hands to the needy
but stuck on my resolve to
never ask thee live for my sake.
Thats me and to help the persons like me is my committment to my life...
my karma.....

To celebrate i musnt need
an occasion and no self to conjure
for when i happy from within...
thats my celebration of being my true self in this life
a feeling of moksha....

why cry if i want to cry?
for i have seen enough
of peoples' foul cries
to make me feel their pain
when they needed it
to be taken away from them
i say i feel pain
with my free self will
and will cry only in front of
the open skies and my only self
that will make me thank u for afflicting the pain that helped me become a part of divine thy.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Brain battles heart - win and lose anyways

The famous lines from Enigma quote :- Heart is the engine of the body but brain is engine of life.

Success it is said comes with a cost.Some pay it on coarse while others pay after they reap.To be very true the road to success is often bloody .Well milestones only form a part of journey and battles won are only attributed to part of success,but the real success calls for last and decisive fight and struggle is nonetheless a war.People wish luck along the way and prey that individuals do not change .But it is impossible not to change ones outlook towards life when one sees some more glimpses of the cruelities of the world on every turn.why shouldnt one therefore remain same ? One takes on challenges headon , gathers efforts and sticks to his ambitions.It is far more difficult to fight emotional stress as compared to physical stress.Thats why entrpreneurs need to have high emotional quotent.

On close observation we realize the more successful a person becomes more battles he needs to fight.To begin with he faces the outer challenges owing to stiff competition , ever increasing pressure to increase compeitions,urge to keep face with societal obligations of course reaching each milestone .But the real battle he has to fight is with his best of friends and even family sometimes,for suddenly the success changes the outlook of people towards you. But all this is a purely consequential and not always is resultant of change in you.Simple reason can be that cause certainly becomes the major force in one's achievement of the goal.Sooner or later there come times when even the closest of ur aquaintances either come in the way of the cause for which all the fights have been won for past years or may be they they tend to forget that the fight for a cause has never ceased to exist and taking success for granted becomes their and not yours habit.What follows is the emotional battle with ur loved ones where at one side to say is the prize to be won but no one to cherish.....( success story with sinking feelings) while on the other side is the joy of being with ur loved ones losing the complete mening and purpose of your life.One can seek livelihood by other means if his earning mechanism breaks down facing challenges, but during the coarse the chances of recovering are far more less when the person breaks down to the emotional pressures.There are difficult times ahead when u are faced to resolve conflicts between mind and heart.

Obviously the winner is the fighter,but the win is never a celebration .....only feel of pride.....with sorrow of losing ur close people who meant world to u.Has the winner changed in the due coarse? may be not and may be yes....but if he has changed....letme quote it was his right
to change owing to the fights he had to win for the good cause.For the good cause is never just a game of mind alone....mission is never ones own achievement but it is rather a social cause directly or indirectly.

Monday, November 14, 2005


Theres a haunting feeling that comes to me when i hear the word work or labor. I guess it is just an apprehension caused by realization of actual efforts that will be required . And may be my ideally idle behavior and habits make the work look even more monstrous. And yet i believe , labor is never a detterrence for me.I do firmly believe in challenging limits,especially body limits.Am ever ready to take up any task that needs my limits to be pushed.i can sacrifice one of the most orderly basic body needs.........sleep.Let me quote ...sleep is the single most restrictive habit of the body and the most compelling behavior that will put even the most determined people to backfoot if time arrives.

Kahlil Gibran states in the Prophet

But if you in your pain call birth an affliction and the support of the flesh a curse written upon your brow, then I answer that naught but the sweat of your brow shall wash away that which is written.

Which simply coneys the whole message.He clearly advocates that the basic body requirements which otherwise are pain and great sufferings to the path of labor, will easily get erased with work only. Means my need to take up an orderly hours of rest is indeed only an excuse .If I resolve I can push my body to work to any limits.Of course rest is required but it can never be a rope to which my body is tied with.

Doesnt that resemble the theme of The Matrix too. Neo's resolve not only frees him from the illusion but also it helps him achieve the power to make anything happen.Morpheus asks neo to jump past the 100 ft gap between the buildings .Neo an average human just cannot believe he can do that. Morpheus shows him the power of resolve,by jumping past the gap.Neo responds this time, but a little doubt in his mind make him fly past 95 ft(as opposed to 5 ft he would have ordinarily jumped) , but fails the last five feet as he is still isnt 100% confidant.

So we see 5 hrs. of sleep and 4 hrs. of sleep are achievable and still enough for the body.There are numerous famous personalities who are successful becuase they can stretch their mind and body to any limits, and these limits are presuppositions of their mind and resolve.Yes, it does call for some extra doses of mind and body relaxing exercises but they are only required to maintain the energy levels and physical well being.And again who says not to sleep if u have extra time.What said above aims at making body fast adaptable to crisis time levels of sleep.So u's habit of 8-10 hrs. of sleep shouldn't really be a matter of restriction the day need comes.

Can't say whether i would still be challenging my body limits by sleeping 4 hrs a day. But one thing is sure...I would never face shortage of time in matter whatsoever.I know someone might still argue that if we do not sleep at all we would have all time in the world.But frankly ppl those who dont sleep at all should go and visit doctor ....for they suffer with insomnia.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Social Entrepreneure ?

I remember having answered to one of the emminent B school questionnaire on my ambitions in life.Yes ...indeed to become a social entrepreneure. But even I was confused to core what it really means and what exactly i sought to achieve? At least one thing that is clear over here is the term entrepreneure. Leadership quality, self motivation and creativity are the aspects of true entrepreneure. But a social entrepreneure is aimed towards creating a good civic state and he is happy in executing his duties towards well being of fellow citizens. The fact that a social worker be termed as entrepreneure is attributed to his ability to create a self support system which along with improving civic state of the citizens also makes them financially independent by not only creating a pool of jobs but also encouraging enterprising talents to achieve their pinnacles.

We all are social activists deep within for we all want to change the course and face of society for good. Probably we would devote ourseleves too for the cause if our livelihood needs are taken care of and we dont have to worry about our daily bread .But i sincerely am of the opinion that the one's faith in enacting social duties is worthless if one is unable to lead himself.Also an entrepreneure who cannot earn a bread for himself is something unheared of.

And so my aim becomes pretty clear :-
  • to be able to support myself financially and socailly on my own.
  • to be able to identify the social cause.
  • to be able to fulfill my personal ambitions not on the cost of my social duties and maintaining strict discipline adhering to distancing my social duties and works from my personal achievements.This simply means is that my personal gains should always be separate from my social entrepreneual activities.
  • to be able to devote my thinking prowess, strengths and energy towards my social cause alonside my personal efforts to earn livelihood.
  • to aim at creativity rather than prosperity for the enterprise i set up should be self supportive , scalable as well as forever involving more and more communities.

i always knew this would be my path .

Monday, September 19, 2005

swades revisited

i must confess i havent seen swades yet , but the promos and trailors are enough to narrate the idea of the story and the essence of the film. I recently had a first hand swades experience 0- without watching movie. Travelling in general class (of course one who travels by local trains in mumbai may feel no new to this experience) , changing two trains , board a tum-tum ( a new enterant in public carrier from M and M ) , change to auto from one village to reach another and finally hire a taanga( horse ride) to reach my ancestral place .Not to mention the overloading the tum tums and autos.People have no fear for there are no traffic regulations in villages with small number of huts....but more than that it seems overloading is actually a need over there and people are willing to live that way because thats their livelihood.For an IT engineer or for any urban guy this experience can be very taxing , but on the contrary it was what i can truely say most fulfilling journey till date.Floods and other natural calamities seem to be like just another challenge for them . But it is surprising still to see that despite the hardships and challenges the culture and bonding remains unchanged.They still remain down to earth practical farmers even to this date with least of resources.Venture into some villages of states where people speak different language....and u will surely have a swades experience.The feeling does fill one up with the zeal to do something for the people...and that becomes even more important than fulfilling your own wishes.

That what is known as ' common cause'...enabling local infrastructure and a self support system in rural ares to make them self sufficient.