Wednesday, June 15, 2005

How to loose to win ?

A friend put forward an article of TOI ( Times Personal 14th Jun 2005)in front of me,and I was taken aback by the things it said.

" Two games guaranteed to make a player lose all his money,will generate a winning streak if played alternately "

Yeah thats Porrondo's theory (actually a part of game theory) that advocates that just like -ve no. multiplied by -ve number yields a + ve number, similarly two negative situations in real life result into + ve outcome.

How? Dr. Juan Pondorro ,Spanish physicist experimented with ratchets (that allow movement in one direction and block in other) and coins to illustrate this theory in real life.He came to conclusion that two losing games could combine to increase one's wealth.

Though game theory is attracting a lot of research these days but what most people are after is that can it be put to use in everyday life? Though the article says that the principal has proven to work in life based situations.Still a lot is left to imagination and research.Some research areas include economics,population genetics,control theory,gene dynamics and DNA.

There are mixed opinions when it comes to applying game theory in stock market. Some say stock market is too complex while on the other hand the article talks of display by Dr. Sergei Maslov at Beekhaven National Laoratory in NY,of simultaneously sharing of capital between two losing stock portfolios by an investor would increase capital rather than decrease.

So guys gear up to devise failing strategies if u want to pass in exams or say win a game.Perhaps i can ask for greater number of bugs in my code so that i get best quality grading for my code.

Whatever that meant thing is for sure....given this theory works.....losing will become desirous for those who aspire to win.


Blogger The Learner said...

yeah man!
interestin veryy interesting,i just hope i cud know how to implement it--coz the turn of succes hasnt yet struck with soo many attempts;)
oye mail me ur mail id.i lost it i guess.

4:53 AM  

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